The Project
In the Solomon Islands, a crucial infrastructure project was undertaken to enhance the region's water supply and sewerage systems. The project's scope was centered on the use of geotextile filter fabric for the encapsulation of pipe embedment in sewer pipeline systems. InfraThread 140, a non-woven geotextile, was selected for this application, serving as a protective and filtration layer in the construction of the sewer pipeline. The project involved laying sewer pipelines with a diameter of 400mm at a trench depth of 4 meters. Given that groundwater was encountered at a depth of 1 meter and the prevalent soil type was sandy silt, the project presented unique challenges in ensuring the stability and longevity of the pipeline system. InfraThread 140 was tasked with providing a critical separation between the pipe embedment and the backfill, effectively controlling soil particle migration into and within the embedment zone.